I'm just some guy floating around in space on this Blue Marble with the rest of you.

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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Ask a Defeatocrat, I mean Democrat

Why the hell would I vote for a party that has the most screwed up policy known to man?

Why should I vote for a party that wants to raise my taxes? At one point my parents were paying more then half of there overall income - that doesn't make sense - part of it has to do with California Tax System, but Democrats are Democrats no matter where they decide to idiotically place there laws.

How does pulling out of Iraq solve any problems? What will the terrorists do?Twiddle their thumbs?

Why do you complain about the issues, but never provide solutions to the issues? Leave the complaining to the Republicans, they do at least something right.

Democrats are really good for anything. They aren't progressive, they are reclusive. They talk a lot about problems but never do anything about them. Sure nothing ever happened under Clinton's reign, but did you ever thing maybe that's because everyone was preparing to do something while Clinton looked on?

Your main arguments for any conversation is:
-Your changing the subject...
-Bush is dumb
-Pull out of Iraq

Great so how about fixing Social Security, Healthcare, Drug/Weapon/Criminal trafficking across our WIDE GODDAMN OPEN BORDERS, proper equipment for our troops (we don't pay taxes for nothing, and I mean that quite literally we don't pay taxes for "nothing").

You once were the party of Hope, you were once a party for change, a party for a new future. A party the stood up for the poor and lower classes. Today your a party filled with lost souls. All the hope has been drained out of your coffers. Even if you win Congress there is no guarantee you will do anything with it. In fact there is no point in you winning Congress at all. You don't have a plan going into the thing, why would I vote for someone with no agenda, no goals?


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