I'm just some guy floating around in space on this Blue Marble with the rest of you.

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Monday, October 23, 2006

Ask A Republican....

In this year's Nov. 7th elections I will be voting for Republicans, only because Democrats cannot come up with anything better then Republicans are dumb so vote for me.

Or I might vote for the independent candidate on the ballot, and count the eggs in my basket. This scenario will seem much more likely after I write this.

That's because I challenge any Republican to answer me these questions, keeping in mind they have held both Houses of Congress for the past

1) Why did you make Congress work for only 89 days out of 365? Even after millions of Americans you represent work at least 340 days of the year?

2) Why did you give your self thousands of dollars worth of pay raises over the last 6 years? Even after the National Minimum Wage cannot meet the needs of a majority of the people, the same people constitution says you will represent.

3) Why do you pass a border fence that covers less then half of the border, and then only decide to fund half of that? Which if you can't do the math is much less then a quarter of the border. Why even foot a useless bill? Why not use your time wisely? Are you as dumb as the Democrats say you are? (That was like more then one question so I will give you credit if you can't answer them all).

4) Why spend hundreds of billions of dollars, when you see no clear signs of improvement for the MAJORITY of Iraqis? I know some can go to school now, some can use the electricity, some can go out in the street, some can practice religion freely, some can use the freedom of speech. But how does all that some explain the many? How does hundreds of billions of dollars justify a man's vote for a government full of American made candidates the voter didn't have a choice but to support?

5) How come you don't know the difference between a Sunni and Shi'ite? For that matter why don't you pass a bill mandating that Federal Government Agents know that difference?

6) Why do you treat Christians as a flock of sheep? Just because Jesus said it doesn't mean it applies to you... It means Jesus said you are my flock not go out and make flocks so people can mindlessly control you...

Republicans get a life. Your boring, dull, (half-gay) duds. You once spoke of Justice for the people. You once spoke of a Government that meant something. Today you speak of Christian pride, your superpower like ability to stop Terrorism (worked great for America not so well for the rest of the planet), your endless commitment to the Economy (and rather negligence of the microeconomy), and a whole bunch of other nonsense. A majority of American don't gives a damn if gays are married or if Terri Shiavo gets pulled from a feeding tube... there are more pressing issues and if you can't find them, then admit your ignorance and step aside.

Tomorrow I will ask Democrats questions all the while railing them on their incompetence to do anything but call Republicans dumb and say pulling out will solve all our problems.


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