I'm just some guy floating around in space on this Blue Marble with the rest of you.

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Sunday, October 08, 2006

What's going to happen...

While the Planet's nations scramble to confirm North Korea's nuclear test, one - such as myself - wonders what will the future now be like.

The options stand at three.

1) Nothing will happen, days will go on and North Korea will be sanctioned to the point where its people are dirt poor and starving (like they are now, so not much change).

2) Sanctions will take place that blockades North Korea so nothing gets in and nothing gets out. China would participate with its border with North Korea. However what outcome this produces is not something favorable to the U.S. or the international community.

3) Military action will take place. However this require Chinese approval. Whether China will agree to such measures or not is not known. The regime of Norht Korea will be removed and the country will either be assimilated into South Korea with U.S. aid to build up the north to a more 21st century standard. There is achance that the Chinese will take the moment to seize control over North Korea, which would get the immediate Asian community angry and could make more enemies.


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