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Friday, November 10, 2006

The Democrats Win (that's the only witty title I could think of)

So, the Democrats won. (This would be a good time to read what I think about Democrats).

The only surprising thing I thought of this election were the amount of non Democratic and Republican ideals floating around. Republicans are yelling that Pelosi is the liberal lady from San Francisco, that wants to cut taxes for the middle class....yeah because that's real liberal.

On top of all else you've got Republican states voting for Democratic candidates for Congress. It's safe to say that a good percentage of what was once the Republican's "base" has shifted toward the Democrats, and the Democrats have adjusted there rhetoric to suite. Only time will tell if the Democrats actually act on their blabbering.

Some interesting things to come...

Who will replace Ambassador Bolton?

Who will replace the few remaining old people on the Supreme Court?

Will the Democrats enact a plan to partition Iraq under one central Government that equally shares the oil revenue?

Will Pelosi put former Impeached Federal Judge - turned Representative in charge of the House Committee on Intelligence? She voted to impeach also, for bribery and what not, while on the bench.

Will Pelosi enact the first 100 hours of bills she said she would? Will the House vote for them? Will the media talk about them? Will the people care?

Wellps that's all I can think of at the moment. It's a lot to think about... Though I personally am looking forward to President Bush's next State of the Union speech. Right behind him will be sitting Vice President Cheney and good God Pelosi, the first women to ever sit there. Now that's going to be an interstice speech.


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