I'm just some guy floating around in space on this Blue Marble with the rest of you.

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Wednesday, November 01, 2006


I'm done with one type of Midterm only to come around to another type. Of course I am referring to the Midterm Elections. Some say that this is a historically significant turning point for the country.

Elect a Democrat and everything will be set right - magically or something like that. Elect a Republican and continue with the American Dream...crap. Honestly us stupid Americans need to wake up and smell the freshly brewed Brazilian grown coffee served at Starbucks (because God knows who actually makes coffee at home these days), no politician save 5 out of 500 are going to do anything for you. No matter how many times you re-elect them they aren't going to represent your sorry rear end.

Ultimately it's our fault. I mean what incentive does a 6 figure-making politician have to represent us lazy Americans who can't pick up a phone or understand the concept of writing words through pen and paper (my self included - call me a hypocrite all you want) and TELL (yes tell as in a boss tells his employee) our elected Representative what we feel our elected Representative should be doing for us. It's our fault for not using our Freedoms of Speech in every avenue and street corner, by ever front porch and every telephone booth, by every cell phone and television set around us.

So by all means be a Republican or Democrat and keep chasing this fantasy of a perfect world where everybody is just dandy and Muslims everywhere sing kum-bay-yah my Lord with the rest of the Planet. They say a common sign for a mental illness is that one keeps doing the same thing, the same way, over and over again, and not getting results whilst not attempting any other approach to what one wants. I guess Americans have a collective mental illness (to the glee of the Europeans who pretend to have known this all along).


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