I'm just some guy floating around in space on this Blue Marble with the rest of you.

Web presidentoor.blogspot.com

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The President Is Right

Yes, I said it. What are you going to do about it, call me wrong? Oooh I am scared now. You calling me wrong with all your rightness?... with all your pullout now, it hurts to much.

Give me a break.

Adding more troops UNDER THE CONDITIONS OUTLINED BY THE PRESIDENT, and all those fancy slides he didn't show off (but they're there you just have to search for them and no I am not joking), will win Iraq, if that's the term that suites you.

However, in all honesty, it's seems a bit dreamy to think that the rebel-insurgent-terrorists will lay down their arms and sing cum-baye-ya anytime soon just because the Yankees are coming. But the way the plan is laid out, and yes there is a plan this time which should make you happy, no matter what the rebel-insurgent-terrorists posture is... we can crush them.

Even more dreamy is to think that we will stick to the realistic, level headed plan that is adopted by the President's Administration; because hey, when does anybody ever stick to the level headed plan? Haven't you ever watched a movie?

Ironic, I am. Hypocritical, I am. Wise, I am. To admit so, yes; wise, I am.


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